Are you frustrated that you can’t get rid of cellulite no matter how hard you try? You’ve tried special diets, exercising and purchased all types of lotions and potions with limited or no visible results.
Dr. Miller and AVCMD offer two advanced cellulite reduction treatment options:
1) a non invasive treatment with no downtime and 2) a more definitive minimally invasive one time procedure.
Cellutone™ and EXILIS Ultra™
In combination with the mechanical vibrations of Cellutone™, the dual technology of radiofrequency and ultrasound of Exilis Ultra™ is used to non-invasively reduce the appearance of cellulite with no downtime!
Cellulaze® is a minimally invasive laser procedure that is FDA-approved to reduce cellulite.
If you have cellulite, you know what it looks like: lumpy, dimpled, uneven skin that appears on your thighs, hips, buttocks and stomach. Cellulite affects the vast majority of women, usually appearing after puberty. As you may have learned through experience, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite by losing weight, but you can’t get rid of it completely.
Here’s a fact that may surprise you! Cellulite is actually caused by factors outside your control. Many women believe it’s only a weight or fat problem, but fat isn’t the only culprit. Cellulite is a structural problem below the skin. Aging, hormones, genetics and dramatic weight changes can all play a role in the appearance of cellulite, but there are three structural problems that cause cellulite:
- 1. The connective tissue bands beneath your skin surrounding fat cells become tight and inflexible.
- 2. Enlarged pockets of fat trapped by the rigid bands push up against the skin.
- 3. Thin skin means that you can see the resulting dimpling effect more clearly.